Monday, November 30, 2009

MP3J- Remixing Lives

This past semester, I have been taking an Intro to New Media course, in which we have studied not only the history of media, but also the application of new media today and in the future. A portion of our final grade is determined by our group projects. Each group is assigned to create some new technology, such as a gadget or an iPhone application, and then present your product to the rest of the class. Each of the 15 groups came up with some really innovative ideas. Quite of few of the projects were environmentally focused and offered ways to conserve energy. Others were more focused on international interactions and worked to break down language barriers. My favorite idea presented was based on music.

According the application's website, the MP3J is an application that integrates with iTunes creating a "fluid DJ interface." The MP3J gives the user a chance to fade, blend, scratch, and basically distort any two songs to create a song totally new and different. So basically this application gives you the opportunity to create remixes of any of your favorite songs.

Here is what the application on your iPhone would look like:

Another reason that I was attracted to this project idea was because portions of MP3J's profits go to the Save the Children Foundation, which is a non-profit organization dedicated to restoring instrumental music education in public schools across the country. Even though I am not a musician myself, I do believe that music education should always be integrated into a student's curriculum. It is important to give children access to musical instruments because of the likelihood that many of them will develop a passion for music, and this is something that should not be deprived from them.

Hopefully this proposed idea of the MP3J will one day be transformed into a real application that you and I can buy!

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